Creating a Beautiful and Organized Home

organized home balance with children

Our 4 best tips to create and maintain an organized and tranquil home, even in the midst of toddler mayhem.

Hi there,

I think most of us are aware that our home environment either positively or negatively impacts our mental and emotional well-being. Personally, when I don’t tidy up in the evenings and wake up to a home that looks like it’s turned upside down, I feel uneasy, stressed, and just off. Have you noticed that when we enter an uncluttered room, we experience a sense of peace and tranquility, allowing us to unwind? When our minds are not preoccupied with visual clutter, we are calmer, more productive, creative, and more likely to engage in activities that truly nurture us. If you have trouble keeping your home orderly, below are some simple yet effective tips to help you achieve an organized and beautiful living space — even with toddlers!

1. Dedicate 20 Minutes Daily:
When I went to Japan in 2020, I was amazed at how orderly and clean everything was. No matter the public place, whether at the train station or in the streets, there was not a piece of garbage or clutter in sight. I later learned that cleanliness and order are part of the culture and inculcated in kids from an early age. At the end of every school day, together, teachers and children take the last 20 minutes or so to clean their classrooms, bathrooms and hallways. How amazing is that?

We can adopt a bit of this Japanese custom and carve out about 20 minutes at the end of each day for a quick tidying up session. This small daily commitment will prevent clutter from piling up and maintain an organized environment.

Since I have small children, cleaning up at the end of my day is even more crucial. What works for me is setting an alarm at 7 in the evening that plays a fun clean up song. This not only helps them build this important habit, but it serves as my cue to give them a bath and get going with their nighttime routine. 

2. Buy with Intention:

Adopting a mindful approach to shopping can greatly reduce clutter in your home. Consider the functionality, quality, and longevity of each item before bringing it into your home. This will not only reduce clutter but also save you time and money in the long run. 

Nowadays it’s so easy to get drawn into purchasing things you don’t need. After all, it just takes the click of a button. Something I like to do is add things to my shopping cart and let them sit there for a few days, or even weeks. If I forget about it, it usually means I don’t need the items.

I’ve also been practicing buying with intention when it comes to gifting to others as well. My days of buying something just for the sake of having a gift for someone are gone. I think long and hard before buying someone a gift. Not because I want to save money, although that’s also a plus, but because I don’t want to be filling up someone else’s house with useless stuff either. And nowadays, we absolutely need to consider the environmental impact of each purchase. The most eco-friendly gift is the one we didn’t purchase! I find investing in experiences rather than physical gifts is so much better. Looking back on a wonderful memory or experience is worth much more.

3. Utilize Bins and Baskets:

Small items tend to create visual chaos when scattered around the house. Invest in bins and baskets to corral these items together, creating a sense of order. Group similar items in each container and label them if you really want to get serious about it! I find that opting for storage units with covers or lids allows you to effortlessly and quickly toss things inside too. You can also opt for furniture pieces with built-in storage which are great for keeping belongings out of sight yet easily accessible when needed. If you have children, grouping like items together and sorting is an activity many little humans enjoy doing too. Keeping them busy while helping put the house in order is win win!

4. Embrace Natural Elements:

Incorporating natural elements into your home not only adds beauty but also promotes a sense of serenity. You can consider introducing plants, flowers, or natural materials like wood or stone into your decor scheme. These elements bring life and balance to any space while creating an inviting atmosphere.

Have you heard of Feng Shui? I absolutely love this ancient Chinese philosophy that is all about bringing harmony and balance into your living space by taking into account the orientation of objects and spaces to increase the flow of energy, or “chi.” The use of nature’s five elements to bring balance is one of the key principles to this art of living. You can go more in depth on Feng Shui here.

Creating a clutter-free home is an ongoing and extremely repetitive process. It requires consistent effort and commitment. But the rewards are worth it - a peaceful sanctuary where you can recharge, relax, and thrive. I can’t think of anything better than that.

Wishing you a tranquil and well-organized home.

- Monic


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